Loader Benefits
Other than being really easy to use, Loaders
come with an awesome performance
advantage and a relieving DX advantage.
Reviewing the Network Waterfall
Remember how I said pretty much everything in Remix revolves around routes? So do loaders.
Because Remix knows everything that needs loaded just from the route, it can kick off all the requests for that data at once. If we compare this to a traditional SPA where requests are kicked off by client side JavaScript we see much different network waterfalls.
Without Remix, requests initialize when the requesting components load. Our client side bundle has to wait to render up stream before downstream requests start. Again, Remix knows all loaders that need called just from the route. Everything starts at once!
State Management
Here's probably my favorite part of Remix. No more large client side state objects to edit. All of the data on a page is hydrated in through loaders. Remix keeps track of that state for you!
But what about updates? We'll see more in a bit, but Remix mutates data through
<forms />
and will automatically revalidate state for you. Let's compare the
previous getAuthors
loader call to something we're familiar with, like Redux.
First we need some state object:
const state = { authors: [] }
Then we need an action to set that state when data comes in:
export function setAuthors(authors) {
return { type: 'authors/SET', payload: { authors } }
And then a reducer needs to accept that action and return a new state.
export function reducer(state = {}, action = {}) {
switch (action.type) {
case: 'authors/SET':
const newState = {
authors: action.payload.authors
return newState;
return state;
That's three different blocks of code just to setup our state, invoke changes,
and handle actions. We have to do this for every. single. action.. We
haven't even touched how we handle asynchronous code with redux-thunk
Opting into an opinionated framework like Remix removes so much work and
complexity from our applications. Remix sticks to browser defaults with fetch
requests and uncomplicated re-validation when necessary.
Let's do an exercise where we try this out for ourselves.