What We Learned
You made it! We're done! We covered a lot of information about Remix - let's recap.
- Progressively Enhanced Single Page Apps
- They bring simplicity and a great user experience, and arguably a better developer experience.
- Remix bridges the client/server gap.
Creating a Remix App
- The CLI has great tools to scaffold apps quickly.
- Offically supported stacks target different environments and are production ready.
Remix Routes
- They're central to everything in Remix.
- The file system hierarchy defines routes, nested routes, and nested layouts.
- We can easily accept params in the url.
Remix Loaders
- We run code to access persisted data on the server - the client can't access it.
- Loaders let us query that data and render it into routes.
- The network waterfall is significantly improved because Remix knows what needs loaded from the route.
- Large client side state management solutions are no longer necessary.
Remix Actions
- Code to mutate data stays on the server.
- Actions accept form data and re-hydrate after submission.
- Forms remove all the input handlers from React and keep things handled by the browser.